Amercian Society Today is Like a Baby

The american society has become like a baby, uneducated, no willpower,

The American society has become like a baby, and the government needs to step up, be the responsible parent, and educate and train the baby so that it can grow up and become a responsible adult, not an irresponsible one, like it is similar to today.

Unfortunately, this is the way society has become. Look

Abusing money (excessive spending, debt, foreclosure, etc.)
Abusing food (excessive eating, fat people, obese, overweight, etc.)
Abusing drugs (marijuana, alcohol)
Uneducated, lack of direction, no desire for higher education (more people unemployed, lots of jobs permanently going away)
Fried Mind (watching filth, shit TV shows, internet filth, smut, video games, etc.)

It’s all there folks it can plainly be seen the progressing state of society.

And in addition, the government is not being the responsible parent, but the irresponsible one. Because it is fueling the baby’s wants and desires. It is feeding us the filth, the garbage, tempting us to spend, eat sweets, etc… It is catering to the baby’s wants, which is not necessarily what is good for the baby.