Optimum Muscle Building Conditions Analysis

You can build muscle a little, you can build a lot of muscle, or you can be somewhere in between. There are many factors which contribute to the rate at which you build muscle. Furthermore, there must be certain optimum (or ideal) conditions which will maximize the rate at which you build muscle. Some of the various factors which contribute to the rate at which muscle is gained are:

• Diet
   o When to eat
   o What to eat
   o Number of meals per day
   o Number of calories per meal
   o How much of each vitamin and mineral
• Cardio
   o What types of cardio to do
   o How often
      ? How many days per week
      ? How much time per day
• Weight lifting
   o What time of day to weight lift
   o Number of sets
   o Number of reps
   o Concentration on each muscle
   o Time between each rep
   o Which muscle groups to train together

These are just a few of the almost limitless number of variables that contribute towards muscle gain. There are optimum conditions for each of these variables, that when followed will contribute towards maximizing muscle gain.