Figures of Speech and Such
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acronym - an abbreviation that is formed using the initial letters in a list of words
anagram - a rearrangement of a group of letters, especially a word that can be formed by rearranging the letters in another word
aphorism - an original thought, spoken or writte in an easily memorable form, a brief statement of a principle
colloquialism - an expression not used in formal speech or writing
double entendre - a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either of two ways. Often the first meaning is straightforward, while the second meaning is less so. Or when a word is used that has to menaings, and the statement can apply for either meaning.
euphemism - the substitution of a harsh, offensive, or unpleasant word with one that is less so
oxymoron - the juxtaposition of incongruous or contradictory terms
palindrome - a word, phrase, clause, or sentence that reads the same regularly as it does when its letters are reversed
portmanteau - a blend of two or more words and their meanings into one new word
examples - brunch (breakfast and lunch), more examples
pseudonym - an assumed name, or an alias; an alternative name
pun - a form of word play that exploits amibguity between similar-sounding words. (a word that is spelled two different ways and means different things but that sounds the same)