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State Senators Contacts
BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
BPD (Buereau of the Public Debt)
U.S. Census Bureau
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Department of Commerce
Energy Star - helping you to become a more energy efficient citizen
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
FCIC (Federal Citizen Information Center)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Election Commission
Federal Reserve
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
The U.S. General Services Administration
United States House of Representatives
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
National Park Service
NTIS (National Technical Information Service)
OSTI (Office of Scientific and Technical Information) from the DOE
PWBA (Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration)
Savings Bonds
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
SSA (Social Security Administration)
Judicial Watch - promoting transparency in government

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