Who is for STEM and who is against STEM?

Why is our economy in the shitter? Why so much trouble? Greedy bastards who only care about themselves at the top (suck suck suck it all up $$$), and lazy, unmotivated, and/or tired/drained masses at the bottom.

Against STEM:
GovernmentPoliticians and Corporations are greedy and also want to dumb down the massestoo much proof, is everywhere, but specific examples to be provided later
Masses (the people as a whole)People are lazy, unmotivated, play videogames all the time, look up to movie stars, sports athletes, famous musicians, drink alcohol, being dumbed down by the mass media by mass flooding of garbage and filth, smut, violence, etc.answered in column at left

Scientific Americanthey're into science and stuff i guessArticles they have written concerning STEM, such as this one here