lots of help for physics, math, engineering
Nano, Quantum & Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics references
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QnA on many areas
Engineering Resources
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SparkNotes - study guides
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wealth of info on many subjects
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MIT OpenCourseWare - free help on lots of undergrad and grad courses
Dentistry Biomechanics
Air Quality Modeling (Subjects)
Air Dispersion Modeling Conversions and Formulas
Anatomy (Subjects)
very very good human anatomy atlases
very good layout
Bio-Organic Chemistry (Subjects)
An Approach Based on Chemical Logic
ATP and Biological Energy
glossary of organic chemistry
Biochemistry (Subjects)
Pathways of chemical compounds
Biology (Subjects)
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Biophysics (Subjects)
lots of lectures
Cell Biology (Subjects)
diffusion, osmosis, and cell membranes
gerontology glossary
represents an online biology textbook
various topics
Molecular Cell Biology References
Apoptosis glossary
Understanding How a Cell Works
Euchromatin Network
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genomics of dictyostelium
good info
Surface Proteins of Gram-Positive Bacteria and Mechanisms of Their Targeting to the Cell Wall Envelope
protein synthesis
a framework for protein classification
Classical Mechanics (Subjects)
lecture notes
CFD (Subjects)
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Control Systems (Subjects)
solved problems and interactive applications
Electromechanical Motion Devices (Subjects)
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Economics (Subjects)
Intermediate Macroeconomics Sample Problems
Energy Conversion (Subjects)
Energy Conversion - The EBook, really good free pdf download
homeworks and solutions
Fatigue (Subjects)
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Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (Subjects)
Behind FEA - book
Fluid Mechanics (Subjects)
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Genetics (Subjects)
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Mouse Genome Informatics
National Human Genome Research Institute
The Molecules of Life - overview of related topics
National Center for Biotechnology Information - A Science Primer
The Signaling Gateway
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DNA Function
Heat Transfer (Subjects)
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Heat Transfer in Heterogeneous Materials
Problems and Solutions
Lecture Notes
Machine Design (Subjects)
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Materials Science (Subjects)
MatWeb - properties data on over 62,000 materials
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Metallurgy Tutorials
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earth science image archive
Mathematics (Subjects)
equation calculator, like derivatives and etc.
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Terms and Formulas from Beginning Algebra to Calculus
good resources
Multivariable Calculus - ebook
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Eigenvalues (Java applets)
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Numerical Analysis Essay
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Mechanics of Materials (Subjects)
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Mohr's circle references
Microbiology (Subjects)
microbiology glossary
microbiology and bacteriology
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Structure and Function
Alliance for Cellular Signaling - to understand the relationships between sets of inputs and outputs in cells
Understanding Angiogenesis
The Apoptopedia
glossary of molecules involved in apoptotic pathways
various articles
Physics (Subjects)
hyper textbook - all kinds of stuff
energy and electron transfer
Probability and Statistics (Subjects)
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Quantum Mechanics (Subjects)
lecture notes
Thermodynamics (Subjects)
Principles of Semiconductor Devices
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fundamentals of energy conversion
heat and thermodynamics (87pg pdf)
Two Phase Flow (Subjects)
good information
Vector Mechanics - Dynamics (Subjects)
Example Problems
dynamics - homework answers
answers for beer and johnsen 7th ed and notes
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