Solving Problems

Related: Minimizing Error in Life

Solving Problems
Utilization of a Process to solve a Problem
Do Things Differently
Follow Through
Prioritization Ratios
Persistence of problems
Good Fortune Doesn't Come Looking for You
Be Productive
Becoming Great at Multiple Things in Life
Increasing Productivity
Improving Oneself by Solving Problems
Why does it have to be so hard to solve problems?
Maximizing Efficiency of Time of Existence
Choosing and two-choice paths
Usually a Solution

Solving Problems

Also, through evolution you have natural desires that when unsatisfied can cause negative feelings and emotions. Furthermore, those feelings and emotions can be amplified by stimulants. It is up to you to recognize and overcome these inefficient, unnecessary, deconstructive feelings and emotions. Face the problem, derive a solution, and take action.

Solving Life's Problems in an Organized and Methodical Fashion (thus efficient and effective)
Write down all of your problems, all you can think of. Classify your problems according to difficulty to resolve, time required, other criteria, etc. Determine which ones are the most critical to your coping in life. Also, determine which ones are easiest / quickest to solve. Prioritize your problem list according to these criteria. Develop solution strategies for the top problems. Execute those strategies. If a strategy fails to resolve the problem, do not keep trying strategies that do not work. Develop a new one. Keep developing new strategies until you find one that works.

Fixing Problems at All Levels of Life

1. Analyze the situation. / Break down the situation.

2. List the root causes or, problems.

3. Develop strategies for resolving those problems.

4. Prioritize your problems.

5. Execute your problem solving strategies in order of your prioritization.

6. If the strategies do not result in a solution, develop and alternative strategy and repeat the steps above.

Utilization of a Process to solve a Problem

1. Create - Create a process to meet a goal. Develop a process designed to meet a goal or set of goals
2. Follow - Follow the process, EXACTLY
3. Record - Record your results from following the process, Make observations about the process about how it is leading you to the goal/s or not
4. Analyze - Analyze your results, and see how the process correlates with helping you to achieve the goal
5. Refine - Refine the process based on your analysis, Make corrections to the process based on the observations
6. Repeat - Repeat steps 2 through 5 until the process meets the goal/s

Remember that following your feelings or emotions has nothing to do with a process that is designed to solve a problem.

Do Things Differently

When the events that transpire in one’s life are continually the same as those of the past, despite repeated attempts to do things differently to achieve better results, then how is one to develop a positive outlook on the future? If you do things in the present, the same as you have done in the past, then there should be no reason why your future should be any different than your past. If you keep doing the same thing, and it is not working, then do something different. If you have exhausted all options, all of which do not work, then what? There's always an alternative, always something different. It's a matter of thinking even further outside the box.

Follow Through

What is interesting is that you can tell someone how to do something to result in a beneficial result, but as the number of steps are increased, or the complexity of the process increases, one is less apt to follow the strategy, even if that strategy may have great implications for the individual.
It is one thing to read how to do something, but it is another matter to put that plan into action.

Prioritization Ratios

What you need to do is two things:
1. utilize your daily time breakdown, follow it accordingly to maximize your daily available time
2. develop and refine your prioritization breakdown list, so that of these items you can choose what to focus on during your daily available time
also remember that there is nothing stopping you from developing efficient, reliable, consistent, and smooth processes

Problem at hand → don’t know how to achieve or solve → nervousness → problem evasion

At the nervousness stage, we begin to let other things into our mind, like frustration → anger, sexual thoughts, addictive, distractive tendencies, like videogames, playing music instruments, watching TV, drinking beer, smoking pot, eating food, anything that gets us away from thinking about the issues we eventually will have to face, these issues that must be resolved.

Sometimes issues are almost impossible to resolve, for example if you feel that you are short, and you want to be taller. You feel that you are short, so that becomes a problem for you. How to resolve it? Well, become taller, or make everyone else shorter. Well how to do that? That would be pretty hard to achieve at the current level of technology.

So some problems you have to just accept them for what they are. And deem that it is not a problem, So that it will be out of your mind, because having a problem in your mind, that is almost impossible to resolve, is unnecessary and does not help, it just saps energy that could be applied towards a more solvable problem.

So how do you decide if you should just accept a problem for what it is, or if you should go ahead and try to attack it???

Well, you have to take into consideration a number of factors that play into whether or not a problem can be resolved. Resolving problems requires time, money, energy. Well, how much time, money, and energy is attributed to each problem? Also, how much stress does the problem lay upon you? How much will the problem make you feel better?

You can come up with a number that takes into account time, money, and energy, and come up with a number that takes into account how much it will make you feel better if resolved.

So then you have a number representing input, and a number representing output. Then you can take the ratio of those two numbers, output/input. This can be used to compare problems, prioritize problems, and to decide the order to attack your problems, which ones to set aside, and which ones to pursue.

This is similar to the income/labor ratio. You have output (income) and input (labor). What you want to obtain is the highest income/labor ratio possible. You want to keep trying to make that number higher and higher. Of course you also want to maximize the income number because if you have zero labor but receive a penny a day, that's an income/labor ratio of infinity, but you aren't earning anything significant.

Persistence of problems

Things seem to be just out of my grasp
Is there something I’m missing?
Why do things always seem to be just out of my grasp?

I strive so hard.

I cannot accept that which I do not understand.

that’s the way the dice rolled

Good Fortune Doesn't Come Looking for You

Good fortune probably won’t come find you if you’re vegging out on the couch, watching what’s on your DVR every night, or meeting your friends at the same brunch spot every Saturday. When you fall into a routine, you’re shutting the door to new, possibly life-changing possibilities. No one creates luck by sitting around and waiting for something to happen. Action, trying new things, and getting out there are what bring opportunity.

Being in the right place at the right time is a probability game. The more places you put yourself in, the more likely it is that one of them will be the right place.

Be Productive

Just put your mind into work. Just work work work on different things, whether it’s your book, or studying, or job work, or painting or music or stocks investing engineering website or whatever. Put your mind into work, being productive and constructive. Even if everything is you every put your mind into is destroyed after you, who cares, time is spent better working than being sorrowful, or grieving, or regretting, or getting angry, or frustrated. Work, be constructive, build, regardless of the outcome or the circumstances.


Streamline your life. Cut out those things that do not help you. Bring in those things that do help you. Cut out those things that do not contribute to the betterment of yourself and bring in those things that do contribute to the betterment of your development.

Becoming Great at Multiple Things in Life

Arnold Schwarzenegger succeeded at three different things in his life. In this way he can be considered a model for achievement. He became great at:

How is his level of greatness, or success, in each activity measured?

Bodybuilding he won multiple Mr Olympias in addition to a multitude of other bodybuilding awards. In acting he became the action movie actor, starring in many popular and high-grossing action films. In politics he became governor of California, a state with an economy larger than most nations. And he may not even be done reaching for higher levels in the political arena yet. So in this way it can be considered that he has succeeded and became great at three different things in his life so far.

How did he do this? Did he pursue all three interests concurrently, all at the same time? Or did he pursue them sequentially, one after the other? Of course he pursued them in a sequential fashion, in this way, he could fully dedicate himself to any one activity.

How did he make the transition from one interest to another? Was it gradual or instantaneous change? Probably gradual. He probably built friendships during his bodybuilding career to help him transition to acting and he probably built friendships and alliances during his acting career to help him transition to politics.

The question then arises: Is it possible to achieve greatness in multiple interests by pursuing them concurrently, or is it more logical to pursue them one at a time? A problem that arises with pursuing interests in a sequential manner is: which one to choose to pursue first? A dilemma that may arise is: Well, what if I pursue an interest, put my full time and energy in it, when it only falls through, nothing comes of it at the end. I put all my time and energy into this interest and yet none of my ideas materialize? When all this while maybe I could have chosen an alternate interest and succeeded in it.

For example, my primary interests are:

What if I put everything aside and pursued trading fully, putting all of my time and effort into trading, when in the end, none of my strategies end up effectively benefitting me to the degree in which to satisfy the time and energy put into it? Maybe I would have had better luck pursuing my music interest or websites interest.

Increasing Productivity

I need to focus on how I am going to increase my productivity. I am going to increase my productivity by having a healthier mindset. How do I create a healthy mindset for myself? I must: 1 remove the sperm, 2 get enough sleep (not too little or too much), 3 eat enough food, and 4 take a shower. A healthier mindset allows me to achieve greater productivity and greater efficiency. Under any work situation you must rule out all true feelings and emotions with respect to your coworkers. The point of being employed is to receive money in exchange for labor. All feelings and emotions must be ruled out. That includes any anger towards superiors with regards to mismanagement, favoritism, mismatching individuals and responsibility; contempt towards fellow employees; feelings of affection for fellow employees. Only on precisely chosen occasions can fake feelings or emotions be used for self-benefit if used wisely. Sometimes individuals take certain actions of which you cannot understand, no matter how often you contemplate them. Sometimes it worth it to just not question certain actions, to not strain and stress yourself over certain actions or behaviors.

Improving Oneself by Solving Problems

Why must it be so hard to improve oneself, to make oneself better?
I look at different points from my past, and they all say the same thing to me: That I continuously fail, that I encounter the same issues repeatedly, the same circumstances occur yet in different ways, I consistently fail to become better, I constantly fail to better myself at a more substantial pace. What does my present say about me? The things I do on a daily basis. I am constantly unsatisfied with my current position and my lack of ability to rise above where I was previously. I am in a better position than many other people throughout the world, yet what is wrong with wanting to continually better oneself and how hard is it to not be frustrated when you are not able to do so at the pace you intend? Why does it have to be so hard to improve oneself?

Why is it so hard for me to improve myself? There are different areas in my life with which I want to improve upon. If something does not work, but you keep doing it, your problems will not be solved. Also, if you have problems and you don’t know what to do, so you are essentially pulling things out of the air, that is not very beneficial either. Let’s call the different issues I would like to improve upon – problems. I have many problems and they need to be solved. What is the end goal of the problems? To make myself better. You need to know how to solve these problems. Also, an unsolvable problem in everyone’s life is that there is only so much time. You are given a finite amount of time in each day. This must be accepted. But, only having so much time means that problems need to be prioritized.

There are many problems. But, these problems can be grouped, arranged, and organized in a hierarchical fashion. In other words, if a problem is solved, then other problems will also be solved. In other words, there are problems that are dependent on other problems. Therefore, this hierarchical structure can be used to determine the prioritization of the problems. But, this is not the hard part. The hard part is devising solutions for the problems as well as deciding how to allocate time for each problem. But, it is easier to allocate time for problems once overall general solutions are developed. But, the time to solve a problem can also have an impact on the prioritization of the problems, as some problems that might not take that long to solve would better to get done earlier and out of the way.

So the question comes to: how do you solve your problems? This is why the investing problem is so crucial; it is towards the top of the hierarchical list. In other words, if that can be solved, many many other problems will also be solved, and time wouldn’t be necessary for specifically solving those problems. There are indirect and direct ways to solve a problem. Direct solutions will have the immediate impact on the problem; indirect solutions will solve the problem, due to a problem in the hierarchical structure above it being solved. Other problems at its same level may be solved.

For example, the speakers are loud on the train. If I use earplugs then it is solved. If I move somewhere close to a job, then I make more money, and solve the speaker problem. If I can invest and make lots of money, then I don’t have to take the train, I can make more money, and I don’t have to work.

When devising solutions to problems, it must also be taken into account if any new problems will arise as a consequence of a problem solution.

I want to be able to look into my past and see that I have greatly risen above where I was previously. Well, can’t I do that now, I mean, how I am a mechanical engineer, I used to have jobs as a busboy, grocery bagger, and Burger King worker, I make 4 to 5 times as much as I did then, and I enjoy the work now. So how can I say that I want to look into my past and see that I am above where I was previously? Obviously, I am unsatisfied with my current position. But haven’t I always been that way? I compare myself frequently to others who are similar in age to me yet seemingly in a better position. I always feel like I am not performing adequately in life. Certain areas of my life have improved significantly yet others have remained relatively the same. It is those which I am most frustrated about.

All things can be changed, yet some things are nearly impossible to change. Therefore, the prioritization of problems should also be based on the level of difficulty to solve. Also, prioritization of problems should be based on the potential impact on your life after the problem is solved. You have to start by making the most complete list of your problems as you can.

Why does it have to be so hard to solve problems?

Why does it have to be so hard to solve your problems? Sometimes people do the same thing, even though it isn’t working. This is because they might not realize they are doing the same thing. Because, the overall idea / strategy might be the same, but the details different. And the problem may lie within the overall idea / strategy.

A problem I would like to focus on is my investing. Do I achieve the same poor results time and time again because I employ the same strategy? Well, what do I do when I make a trade? In other words, what is every single step involved? What is my decision making process?

Perhaps the root of the problem lies within how I apply logic to the situation. Different investment objectives demand different investing techniques.

But what I mean is, is that there are so many things to take into account when buying a stock, it is hard to remember everything.

Despite the number of factors which influence stock, some are more important than others.

Every time I buy stock, I should document all the reasons I made the transaction, on what basis. I should record any charts I use, and make separate folders for each transaction, which document all the reasoning behind each decision.

Another significant part, I believe, is in understanding human behavior in relation to markets. (that would also be a good title to search under) Because if one learns human behavior in relation to markets, then one can gain a better understanding of market direction but also, to understand yourself better in relation to making market decision. The goal is to be one apart from the crowd, to be the first one there. The trick is to do this as an outsider. It can be done, for even an outsider can find all the necessary resources to be one of the first ones in.

Maximizing Efficiency of Time of Existence

Result - maximize quality of life

You might set a plan for yourself at a young age, and then when you are an old man looking back at your life and your plan you find that you didn't come anywhere close to where you wanted to be, that you didn't achieve a fraction of the things you want to achieve. You are not maximizing the quality of your future if you are not extracting your full potential each and every day.

Before you can extract your full potential:

How do you extract your full potential each and every day?
How do you make the most efficient and beneficial choice each and every time?

How do I achieve financial independence? How do I achieve economic dominance? How can I provide the best quality for myself and the ones I care about? How can I reshape the direction of the global society?

Only one answer can be the whole or partial answer to all of the questions above,


So in order to extract my full potential I need to focus on acquiring money.

Now the question that everyone asks:

How does one make lots of money?

Lets break it down:

Money can generate more money

Time = Money

Therefore time is a factor of money acquired
My current and continuing net worth is considerably small.
Free cash flow usually never amounts to anything over $1,500 - $2,000 at the most

Because money can make more money,
What alternatives do I have to choose in using my free cash flow?

For me it is silly for me to think that one could build an empire from a miniscule $2,000,
So that frame of mind alone brings down my confidence
But others have done it in the past.

Nonetheless, I should investigate all of the possible income-generating options.

What are things I can do with $2,000 to generate money?

Business Ideas/Business Plans/Execution
Investing options alternative to stocks
T-shirt/hat/apparel design
Take out a loan and invest it
Write books
Buy things in Bargain Finder and then resell them (cars)
Next rank your picks with 1 being the most feasible:

Next that must be discussed is how to follow through on all of these options.


Opportunity seldom presents itself; opportunity must be pursued.

Choosing and two-choice paths

There may be a multitude of choices, but isolating a final answer may be achieved through a pathway of two choices at a time.

For example, there may be a multitude of career paths one can choose from. But the final decision can be arrived at through a sequence of two-choice decisions.

In other words, college or no college, if yes college then engineering or not engineering? If engineering then mechanical or electrical? If mechanical then etc…

But I suppose you could have multiple selections, like mechanical, electrical, industrial, chemical, etc….

But choices could ultimately be reduced to two choice questions, so that this could correlate to computer / binary language, of 0 and 1

Usually a Solution

there's almost always a workaround
remember that
even thought you may look so hard and don't think there is one